Measuring the readiness of Ecommerce Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to use Artificial Intelligence: Example of Moroccan SMEs



Artificial Intelligence, Moroccan e-commerce SMEs, Financial growth, Decision-making


success due to its increasing significance in facilitating large-scale data processing, producing insights, and automating repetitive processes. The implementation of AI technology has the potential to boost organizational effectiveness, save costs, and improve consumer experiences, resulting in increasing growth and competition. The adoption of AI in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), especially in developing nations like Morocco, is still at a low level. This paper uses an expanded innovation-business ecosystem framework and human inventiveness to analyze the elements that influence AI adoption in Moroccan e-commerce SMEs. The study highlighted manager/ownership culture, monitoring environment, qualified advantages, maximal management support, and AI expertise as key predictors of AI adoption among Moroccan e-commerce SMEs. Although the study's sample size is small, additional research is required to investigate other issues that could hinder Moroccan e-commerce SMEs' adoption of AI and financial growth. The study's conclusions offer insightful information that might support e-commerce SMEs and the Moroccan government in spreading awareness of AI, a critical step towards technological advancement in a historically conservative corporate environment.


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How to Cite

ALLIOUI, H., & Mourdi, Y. (2024). Measuring the readiness of Ecommerce Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to use Artificial Intelligence: Example of Moroccan SMEs. International Journal of Computer Engineering and Data Science (IJCEDS), 3(3), 5–18. Retrieved from